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Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery aims to restore function and appearance to damaged or abnormal body structures. It addresses congenital defects, trauma injuries, and medical conditions, enhancing both physical and emotional well-being.

a close up of a woman 's legs on a white background
a woman is taking her pulse on her wrist while sitting on a bed .

Restoring Function and Form

Reconstructive surgery is a specialized branch of surgery focused on restoring the form and function of body structures that have been affected by congenital defects, trauma, disease, or other medical conditions. It encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at repairing or replacing damaged or abnormal tissues, organs, or systems.

By utilizing advanced surgical techniques and technologies, reconstructive surgery seeks to improve patients' quality of life by restoring both physical appearance and bodily function.

a woman in a black shirt is sitting on the floor and smiling .
a person with a bandage on their wrist

Benefits Of Reconstructive Surgery

Improved Functionality

Reconstructive surgeries restore lost or impaired function, such as the ability to walk, grasp objects, or breathe without difficulty. By addressing underlying issues, these procedures enhance patients' quality of life.

Pain Relief

Many reconstructive procedures alleviate chronic or acute pain caused by injuries, deformities, or medical conditions. By addressing the root cause of the pain, these surgeries improve physical comfort.

Restored Confidence

Reconstructive surgeries can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies. This newfound confidence can positively impact various aspects of life including social interactions, and overall self-esteem.


In reconstructive surgery, grafts play a crucial role in repairing or replacing damaged or missing tissue. A graft is a piece of tissue, such as skin, bone, or cartilage, that is transplanted from one part of the body (or from a donor) to another. Grafts are used to fill in defects caused by injury, surgery, or disease, and they can help restore both function and appearance. 

The procedure for grafting involves harvesting the tissue from the donor site, preparing the recipient site to receive the graft, and carefully suturing or securing the graft into place. The success of a graft depends on factors such as blood supply, proper placement, and post-operative care. Various types of grafts, including autografts (from the patient's own body), allografts (from a donor of the same species), and xenografts (from a different species), can be used depending on the specific needs of the patient and the nature of the defect.

the woman is wearing a white tank top and smiling .
a woman in a white towel is touching her arm and smiling .

Tissue Expansion

Tissue expansion is a technique commonly used in reconstructive surgery to create additional skin for reconstructing areas affected by congenital anomalies, trauma, or surgical removal of tumours. During the procedure, a silicone balloon expander is placed under the skin near the area requiring reconstruction. Over time, the expander is gradually filled with saline solution through a valve, causing the skin to stretch and grow new tissue. This process allows for the creation of extra skin that matches the surrounding area in colour, texture, and elasticity.

Once enough new skin has been generated, the expander is removed, and the newly expanded skin is used to reconstruct the desired area, resulting in a more natural and aesthetically pleasing outcome compared to traditional skin grafting or flap procedures. Tissue expansion offers the advantage of using the patient's own tissues, minimizing the risk of rejection and providing long-lasting results.

a woman is standing with her hands on her hips and smiling .
a woman in underwear and a robe is standing in front of a white background .


Navigate your beauty journey seamlessly with answers to common queries in our FAQs section. 

Still Have Questions?

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  • How is reconstructive surgery different from cosmetic surgery?

    While both aim to improve appearance, Reconstructive surgeries are considered to be medically necessary and are generally paid through your private insurance. 

    In contrast, Cosmetic procedures are considered elective and paid for out of pocket. While some cosmetic procedures may have functional benefits, they are generally elective and focus on enhancing appearance rather than restoring function or correcting abnormalities.

  • Are there risks associated with reconstructive surgery?

    Like any surgical procedure, reconstructive surgery carries inherent risks, including infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Additionally, specific risks may be associated with the type of procedure performed, such as tissue necrosis, scarring, or complications related to the implanted materials. 

    Your surgeon will thoroughly discuss these risks during the consultation, taking into account your medical history and individual factors. They will also provide detailed information on steps to minimize these risks, such as pre-operative preparations, post-operative care, and potential signs of complications that require immediate attention.

  • What is the recovery process like after reconstructive surgery?

    Recovery after reconstructive surgery varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the procedure and individual healing abilities. Typically, patients can expect a period of rest following surgery, gradually increasing activity as directed by their surgeon. Post-operative care may include wound care, physical therapy, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress. 

    It's essential to follow all post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and optimal results. Your surgeon will provide personalized guidelines for your recovery, including information on when to resume normal activities and any restrictions that may apply during the healing process.

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Let Us Help You Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Contact us today at 757-423-2166 to schedule your personalized consultation and take the first step towards realizing your aesthetic aspirations. Our dedicated team at Guy Trengove-Jones MD PC is committed to guiding you with expertise and care, ensuring your journey to beauty and confidence is tailored to your unique needs. Your transformation begins here, where precision meets artistry.

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