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Gender Affirming Surgery

Embrace your true identity with gender affirming surgery at Guy Trengrove Jones MD PC. Our specialized care and commitment to personalized treatment empower individuals to align their physical appearance with their gender identity, fostering confidence and self-expression.

a woman wearing an orange head scarf is smiling .
a woman in a white t-shirt is smiling with her eyes closed .

Tailored Procedures

Gender affirming surgery is a crucial step for many individuals seeking to align their physical bodies with their gender identity. At Guy Trengrove Jones MD PC, we offer a range of surgical options designed to help individuals achieve their desired appearance and alleviate gender dysphoria. These surgeries can include procedures such as chest masculinization or feminization, genital reconstruction, facial feminization surgery, and more.

Our comprehensive approach combines surgical expertise with a supportive environment, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care throughout their journey. Our goal is to help individuals feel affirmed and empowered in their bodies, living authentically and confidently.

a woman wearing an orange head scarf is smiling .
a young man in a white shirt is smiling while sitting in front of a white wall .

Benefits Of Gender Affirming Surgery

Alleviates Gender Dysphoria

Gender affirming surgery can reduce the distress caused by incongruence between an individual's gender identity and physical appearance, improving mental well-being.

Supports Transition Process

Gender affirming surgery is a critical component of the transition process for many transgender individuals, helping them achieve a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Enhances Sexual Functioning

For some individuals, gender-affirming surgery can lead to improvements in sexual functioning and satisfaction by aligning physical characteristics with gender identity.

What to Expect During The Surgery

Before Gender Affirming Surgery: Patients can expect thorough consultations with our surgical team to discuss their goals, medical history, and surgical options. Pre-operative assessments and preparations will be conducted to ensure readiness for surgery, including any necessary medical evaluations and lifestyle adjustments.

During Gender Affirming Surgery: Our experienced surgical team will perform the chosen procedures with precision and care, utilizing advanced techniques to achieve the desired results. Patients can expect to be under anesthesia during the surgery, with the length of the procedure varying depending on the specific surgeries being performed.

After Gender Affirming Surgery: Following surgery, patients will be closely monitored in a recovery area to ensure a smooth transition from anesthesia. Post-operative care instructions will be provided, including information on managing pain, wound care, and activity restrictions. Patients will have follow-up appointments to assess healing and address any concerns, with ongoing support available throughout the recovery process.

a woman is sitting in a chair talking to another woman .
two young men are hugging each other and smiling for the camera .

Understanding the Risks

As with any surgical procedure, gender affirming surgery carries potential risks and complications. These can include adverse reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, scarring, and changes in sensation. Specific risks depend on the type of surgery performed, such as chest masculinization or feminization, genital reconstruction, or facial feminization surgery. Additionally, there are risks associated with the use of implants or grafts, as well as potential complications related to healing and recovery.

It's essential for patients to discuss these risks with their surgical team and carefully weigh them against the potential benefits of surgery. Our team is dedicated to minimizing risks through careful patient selection, advanced surgical techniques, and comprehensive pre-operative evaluations. We prioritize patient safety and well-being throughout the entire surgical process.

a woman is carrying another woman on her back on the beach .
a woman is carrying another woman on her back on the beach .


Navigate your beauty journey seamlessly with answers to common queries in our FAQs section. 

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How will gender affirming surgery affect my daily life and activities?

    The impact of gender affirming surgery on daily life and activities varies depending on the type of procedures performed and individual recovery. Following surgery, patients may experience some limitations or adjustments in their daily routines, particularly during the initial recovery period. 

    It's important to follow post-operative instructions provided by your healthcare team and communicate any concerns or challenges you may encounter during the recovery process. With proper care and support, many individuals find that gender affirming surgery contributes to a greater sense of well-being and improved quality of life over time.

  • How can I prepare for gender affirming surgery, both physically and emotionally?

    Preparing for gender affirming surgery involves several steps to ensure both physical and emotional readiness. Firstly, gaining a thorough understanding of the procedures and their potential impact is crucial. Following pre-operative instructions, such as abstaining from certain medications or dietary restrictions, is essential for a successful surgery. 

    Arranging post-operative care, including transportation and support at home, is also important. Lastly, seeking emotional support from friends, family, or support groups can help manage any anxiety or stress leading up to the surgery. Throughout this process, your surgeon and care team will provide guidance and support to help you feel prepared and confident for your surgery.

  • How long will it take to see the final results of gender affirming surgery?

    The timeline for seeing the final results of gender affirming surgery varies based on multiple factors, including the specific procedures performed and individual healing processes. While some changes may be noticeable shortly after surgery, such as reduced dysphoria and early signs of physical transformation, the complete results often take time to fully manifest. 

    Patients can expect to see ongoing improvements in the months following surgery as the body heals and adjusts. It's essential to follow post-operative care instructions closely and attend follow-up appointments to monitor progress and address any concerns. The surgical team will provide guidance on what to expect during each stage of the recovery process.

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Let Us Help You Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Contact us today at 757-423-2166 to schedule your personalized consultation and take the first step towards realizing your aesthetic aspirations. Our dedicated team at Guy Trengove-Jones MD PC is committed to guiding you with expertise and care, ensuring your journey to beauty and confidence is tailored to your unique needs. Your transformation begins here, where precision meets artistry.

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